Bad News: Looks like Failure's Art is dead. I haven't posted, nor felt like posting since October, and it hasn't bothered me at all. That site was fun for a while but then it just got too big for its own good. When thousands of people show up to a site every day they expect to be entertained. I didn't initially realize how hard it would be to entertain all of the people all the time, plus all of the success and notoriety went to my head. So, I'm going to abandon that site for a period of time, and focus my efforts to speak to a smaller cross section of this great planet of ours. Which leads me to the...
Irrelevant News: Since I have a 3-blog development deal with, I've decided to start the final segment of my trilogy and this time just focus on entertainment. Now that the Writer's Strike is over I can feel comfortable about writing again without any fear of becoming a scab like Brian Daubach, or a dead scab like Cory Lidle. I must say that it feels nice to be writing again while not being part of the guild or getting payed any money. Old times, man. Old times.
Anyway, what sort of features might you expect from this site that are different from what you might've seen on Failure's Art? First of all, great question, thanks for asking. Well I can say that this site will focus less on my doings. Now I know that might be sad for some of my stalkers out there, and I do feel for you. Normally I would love to give out all of my information over a website, it's just that I feel the need to be a little more serious (read: not at all more serious) with this new project. While this stipulation knocks my personal information out of the equation (sorry BeardQuest), it also knocks out Baby Lentini (who has been knocked out for years now) and other characters from my life like the Twirl Master. There will also no sports related posts, though I would count on their being some weird sports references (see Brian Daubach/Coy Lidle above).
So, while all of that garbage is staying back at the old site, some of the other garbage from the old site like Talkin' Talkies, and my inexplicable awards show nomination snubs anger will carry over. Some new things that you can look forward to include more in depth television/movie/music coverage, a new segment I'm calling Song Dissection (oh, you'll see), and other random stuff I haven't thought of yet which will no doubt be brilliant.
While all of this sounds very good, I do need to give you some very important information. First off, in now way will I ever be breaking any entertainment stories like those blog rags out there. That's not me. I like to make fun of things without writing on pictures someone else took.
Second off (that doesn't sound right), I keep weird hours regardless of whether I'm working or not. What does this mean? Since I don't normally even begin to considering going to bed before 3 or 4 am, don't look for early morning posts, unless of course I'm drunk and feel like writing at 5am. Basically, you should just accept that everything will be on a little delay. With this in mind, expect an Oscar recap post at some point tomorrow.
Finally off, I'd like to explain where the title of this site comes from since I couldn't walk down the street without the public asking me what Failure's Art meant. The title works on two levels, with the first one being that entertainment news is normally either bad or irrelevant and is always taken to seriously (depending on how important you think you are).
As for the second meaning, for those of you that don't know "bad news/irrelevant news" comes from one of my favorite scenes from the original Office where David Brent approaches his workers by saying he has "good news and bad news" that he is getting promoted while most of the rest of them are about to get fired. In response, Brent's British version of Toby from the American Office says that he should've said that he has "bad news and irrelevant news." It's a lot funnier when it isn't described so poorly, and can be seen with a youtube clip, which I could not find. Instead, please enjoy this Office clip that I could find, and then sit around for a little while and wait for my Oscars post.
While we're at it, this one's not so bad either:
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