Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Meet the Dead Guy, Volume I (Nomination 2)

William F. Buckley died today at the age of 82. In case you don't know who Buckley is, well he is famous for having a wikipedia page that tells you all about his life and what he did. Why does he warrant a post on this page you might ask? Good question. Here's why: Buckley once famously said that the Beatles were:

"so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of antimusic."

Hard not to agree. Those guys sucked. Disgusting.

This statement added on top of his death automatically puts Buckley into the running for the First Annual Bad News/Irrelevant News Dead Guy of the Year award. He is February's nominee, and from the looks of things, he'll be in the running all year with January's posthumously posthumous nominee, Brad Renfro. Good luck, fellas!

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